Accreditation Form

Accreditation Form


  • This form is for students who wish to sign-up for Accreditation with the External Accrediting Award Body.

Personal Details

This information is collected for monitoring and statistical purposes only. This information is treated as confidential and will not be available to anyone outside Aim Qualification Centres should make every effort to include the appropriate ethnicity code for each candidate based on the Census 2001 Ethnic Group Classifications.
This information is collected for monitoring and statistical purposes only. This information is treated as confidential and will not be available to anyone outside Aim Qualifications.
This information is collected for monitoring and statistical purposes only. This information is treated as confidential and will not be available to anyone outside Aim Qualifications. Please use the following codes.


Accreditation Fee *
The Accreditation Fee is paid on your behalf to the External Credit Awarding Body and is non-refundable.
I hereby register for credit awards from the External Accreditation Body for all units in the BIBS Two-Year Certificate Course.

• I agreed to pay the non-refundable registration fee of £190 to BIBS.
• I accept all decision of the Verifiers and External Moderators as final.
• I accept all decisions of the External Accreditation Body as final.
• I agreed to honour all my commitments to BIBS and the Accreditation Body.
• I agreed to successfully complete all units of the BIBS Certificate Course by October 2025, when the registration with the Accreditation Body expires.
• The information provided herein is true and accurate.

By submitting this form you will re-direct you to Paypal to make payment before your application is processed.
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