Bethel School of Biblical Studies

A Life Changing Experience

Online Interactive Bible Study

Monthly classes via Zoom

They that seek me shall find me

Jeremiah 29:13

Deepen Your Understanding

Discover the benefits of E-Learning with

an array of resources available via Moodle

Enrolling for Academic Year 2024/25

Welcome to BIBS!

Bethel School of Biblical Studies (formerly Bethel Institute of Biblical Studies) is a part-time online Bible School and is a recognised centre for delivering Open College Network West Midlands qualifications in the UK. The Bible based courses range from Foundation to Degree level and our God-given anointed teachers are qualified  from Degree to PhD level. The teaching is based upon the Word of God and BIBS accepts the Bible as its final authority.


At BIBS we aim to EDIFY the Body of Christ: until they come to the knowledge of Christ and His teachings.


We also aim to PROVIDE individuals with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Bible.


Finally, we also aim to EQUIP individuals for Life and Ministry and ultimately a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE.

BIBS A Life Changing Experience…

The Process


You will be taken through a systematic and divine order of study by anointed and qualified teachers, in an atmosphere of worship.

You will also be expected to spend some quality time studying and meditating upon the Word of God.

BIBS emphasise that the foundation of ministry is your relationship with God, the model of ministry is Jesus and the tools of ministry are the Word of God and prayer.


Embedded in the course structure are group tutorials to provide you with further help and guidance.

Help will also be available on an individual basis from teachers; however, in the final analysis your transformation depends upon your submission to the Will of God, the renewing of your mind and your obedience to the Word of God.


On successful completion of your course of study, you will have a deeper understanding of the Word of God, a thorough knowledge  of Jesus, the ultimate model for your life and ministry and by the grace of God, a life changing experience.

About Us

BIBS is the Bible School of Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic UK & Europe. The Church, which is the Body of Christ, must know the beliefs, principles, teachings and practices of the Apostles: hence Jesus gave specific ministry gifts to some: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers:

To edify the Saints in the Doctrines of Christ, thereby uniting His Church; to build up the Body of Christ by bringing the Saints to spiritual maturity; and to prepare them for the work of the Ministry.

BIBS Bible School was planted by God and endowed with God- given anointed Teachers for these very purposes.

Students are methodically taught God’s Word of Truth; how to gird up the loins of their minds; and how to use God’s Word, the Sword of the Spirit and their only offensive weapon, to defeat the enemy and earnestly contend for the Doctrine of Christ.

The Holy Scriptures testify of Jesus; and knowing Him is Eternal Life. We therefore implore you to come and study the Scriptures at BIBS: that you may come to the full knowledge of Jesus and not fall prey to grievous wolves disguised in sheep clothing and lying in wait to seduce and deceive you with their doctrines and practices.

BIBS cater for a diverse student body: irrespective of gender, ethnicity, denomination, ministry or status.

Courses on Offer

  • One-Year Foundation Course in Biblical Studies

    Do you know what the Bible is all about?

    In just 9-months, you’ll explore God’s grand plan for Man from Genesis to Revelation; Discover your purpose; and know God’s precious promises to YOU!

  • Two-Year Certificate Course in Biblical Studies

    Do you understand each book of the Bible as the author intended and how it applies to YOU?

    Take time out to study the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments: their covenants, tabernacle, priesthood and feasts. See how they are fulfilled in Christ, His Church, and in YOU!

  • Short Courses in Biblical Theology

    Do you know God’s End-Time Programme for His Church?

    Over just 2 weekends, explore the Rapture of the Church; Daniel’s 70th Week; the Great Tribulation and the Church; and the Marriage of the Lamb. The Short Courses provides in-depth knowledge of subjects not often taught in local churches, such as ‘How to Interpret the Biblical Scriptures’; ‘Understanding the End Times‘ and ‘The Dual Heritage of Believers‘. The duration of each short course is two Saturdays. The next intake will be for academic year 2023/24.

  • Bachelors Degree in Biblical Theology

    The Bachelors Degree in Biblical Theology is made up of short courses which can be completed in bite sizes over a period of time. The successful completion of the assignments issues after each short course are credits that count toward the Bachelors Degree.

    Important Note: We are not currently taking enrolments for the Degree Program.


I feel honoured to be studying at BIBS. During my first year at BIBS, I learnt so much from the professional, caring and friendly tutors and staff; who have guided me in the truth of the word, which has drawn me closer to God

The BIBS course is a challenging and rewarding adventure! It has totally transformed my approach to Bible study, learning about God and His Word, and in the process I’m growing closer to Him.

BIBS is an invaluable investment in your life, for real change. All the more reason why you should come to BIBS.

I recommend BIBS to others who are seeking to go deeper in the Holy Word of God. Step out by Faith and enrol at BIBS; you will never regret your decision. God Bless

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  • Sun

    BIBS Information Stand

    10:30am DailyMartin Howard Suite @ Bethel Convention Centre, Kelvin Way, West Bromwich B70 7JW


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